For alternative information on activities and accommodation in the area please visit some of them:

Angling in the Andes - Winter Trout Fishing in Patagonia
Litchfield Hills Tourism
Clarke Outdoors - Canoe & raft rentals, kayak lessons, shuttle service. Cornwall, CT.
Falls Village Inn - Comfortable lodging and Taproom
Cornwall, CT - Info and facts about Cornwall area.
Mohawk Mountain Skiing - Skiing at Mohawk Mountain. Cornwall, CT.
Music Mountain - A miniature Tangelwood. Falls Village, CT.
Limerock Park - Info on races and events. Lakeville, CT.
Housatonic Rods - Fine cane rods built by Bill Abrams. Great photos of the Housatonic and its insects.
Skip Barber School - Americas premier driving and racing school at Limerock Park.
Farmington River Fly Shop and Information
Connecticut Council of Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited National
Best Fly Shop in Fairfield County
Ellsworth Farm


For reservations or information please call or write to:
(860) 672-4457 - Cell: 860-387-3300
Housatonic Anglers
26 Bolton Hill Road
Cornwall, CT 06753


© 2014 Houstatonic Anglers